A manual for Caldicott Guardians
The UK Caldicott Guardian Council offers this relatively short guide in the hope that it will help in various ways: as a starting point for the newly-appointed Caldicott Guardian, as an aide memoire for the more experienced, and as a pointer to the possibilities for professional development and support.
The Caldicott Guardian’s role
This section provides a description of the Caldicott Guardian’s core responsibilities and relationships.
Legal and ethical considerations
This section looks at both the ethical aspects of the role and the legal, including data protection and GDPR, the duty of confidentiality and other key legislation.
Information sharing and disclosure
This section covers what Caldicott Guardians should consider when patient and service user information is shared or disclosed.
The Caldicott Principles
This section outlines the eight principles that guide Caldicott Guardians’ work to ensure that people's information is kept confidential and used appropriately.
Learning and development
This section explains why appropriate training and support for Caldicott Guardians is important, and explains ways this may be achieved.