
Frequently asked questions

What training and development opportunities are available for Caldicott Guardians?

All information we have about training and development opportunities for Caldicott Guardians is on our website. Please view our e-learning resources and events page.

I am a new Caldicott Guardian. Can you help me to understand the role and where to start?

If you are a new Caldicott Guardian wondering where to get started, please visit our checklist for new Caldicott Guardians.

You can find information about the role, and other resources, in the UKCGC online manual. You will also benefit from our short online learning module: The Role of the Caldicott Guardian.

You may also find it helpful to engage with other Caldicott Guardians on the Digital Health Caldicott Guardian Forum, where you can ask questions and discuss topics affecting Caldicott Guardians. Register here, stipulating that you wish to join the Caldicott Guardian Forum.

Can you provide a list of Caldicott Guardians from this organisation/region?

Many organisations provide details of their Caldicott Guardian on their websites. This is in accordance with our advice that Caldicott Guardians should be easy for the public to contact.

The UKCGC does not hold or maintain its own list of Caldicott Guardians.

However, you may find the information you need on the Caldicott Guardian register.

NHS England owns the register, but it is the responsibility of organisations to update the register with information about their Caldicott Guardians.

How do we register a new Caldicott Guardian or make changes to an existing one?

To register a new Caldicott Guardian for your organisation or make changes to an existing one, please fill out the form on NHS England’s website.

The changes should be available to view on the ODS Portal twenty-four hours after it has been updated by the ODS Support Team.

Please note that the Caldicott Guardian register is an NHS England product. As such, your contact for further queries about it is NHS England’s ODS team.

How do I join the Caldicott Guardian Forum?

The Caldicott Guardian Forum is owned by Digital Health and provides an opportunity to ask questions and discuss topics affecting Caldicott Guardians. Register here, stipulating that you wish to join the Caldicott Guardian Forum.

National Data Guardian guidance on appointing Caldicott Guardians

If you have a question about implementing the National Data Guardian’s guidance on the appointment of Caldicott Guardians, please see our detailed frequently asked questions. If they don’t provide the information you are looking for, please get in touch.