Are you looking for advice on a specific information-sharing case?
When and how to seek advice from the UKCGC
If you are a Caldicott Guardian struggling with a specific information-sharing or confidentiality scenario, you can ask us for advice on how you might best handle it. To do so, please fill in this form; be detailed, but do not disclose any person-identifiable or sensitive information.
This form is not for general enquiries. For those, please visit our ‘contact us’ page.
Response timescale
We will acknowledge receipt within 3 working days. We endeavour to provide an initial response within 20 working days from the date of receipt.
If you are handling a time-sensitive issue and need help sooner, please seek advice elsewhere. This could be from your local information governance team or data protection officer, or a solicitor who specialises in these matters. Our online manual, FAQs and online forum also provide additional sources of help.