Legal framework: a simple overview for Caldicott Guardians
An online evening class for Caldicott Guardians
The class aims to spread good practice and share ideas for practical implementation.
You must be a Caldicott Guardian, or someone performing the Caldicott function for your organisation.
Learning objectives:
To be able to identify the legal framework related to Caldicott Principle 6 (understand and comply with the law) for your own CG practice
To know where to find additional support with legal matters
You will:
Review 3 key legal mechanisms:
Statute (eg GDPR/DPA)
Common law (eg confidentiality)
Contract law
Discuss other statute, policy and guidance relevant to your sphere of practice
a one-hour, online session
interactive elements (i.e. delegates will participate in discussions)
Skill level requirement
Foundation. This is a practical opportunity for CGs who have not yet developed full understanding of Caldicott Principle 6 in their current role, or for those who wish to review due to a change in need.
Book a place
To book your place email